:) Came back from a short trip to Kuching over the weekend. Had a great time, looking at some of their aboriginal houses and understanding their culture.
I think Kuching is a great place - nice city with a huge culture. The people there are nice as well, nicely preserved caves and forests. Too bad we did not have the time to visit the Bako National Park. Else I think it would have been very nice. I remembered I went Sarawak when I was still in secondary school. It was a school field trip and I remembered staying in this forest filled with mosquitoes and no air-con. Not sure if that was Bako National Park. At that time, I hated that place haha. I was thinking ... why stay in such a place.. the school must have cheated our money hahaha. But I was young then ... couldn't appreciate it. I believe it will be much nicer if I went now. Just like the long house stay ... perhaps when people gets older, they want something simpler.
Have some pictures to share ... Whoosh!