Thankful for the meaningful year that has gone past.
Thankful for the exciting, insightful and inspiring half year trip to australia.
Thankful for the wonderful people around me.
Thankful for the brudders that I have including my real bro.
Thankful for the good health this year.
Am going to celebrate life next year.
Am going to be happier than last year.
Am going to appreciate people, things and other cultures more.
Am going to widen my social circle.
Only regret... Am not able to put away one single thing in my life... Am still sore at this person till today... Someone who's close but not at all close.
Hopes that things will be better for my frens and brudders out there :) And I really hope boo has less worries.. less troubles less irritating stuffs going on around. Also hope chua will be happier next yr :)
Ok! thats all for this entry this yr! haha doubt i will be posting anything else till next yr keke cos its only one day away! seeya dudes!