Saturday, August 20, 2005

Horse Riding :)

Went to Nerang for horse riding :) Took the train there and it took about one and a half hour to reach.
Quite sianz on the trip there cos it was early in the morning and everyone's listening to their mp3 and wat nots except for me heh.

Anyway reached there ... and my horse's name is Ruffus. He looks really really nice. Healthy shiny coat. cool! But I felt quite sorry for Ruffus cos I think he's kinda small for me?? I dunno but I felt that hes struggling with me on the back ... haiz... poor thing right. The guide there told us the horses go for a one week trail non stop.... which means they go for the trail in the morning and another one in the afternoon and they rest in the evening till the next day. Then the same routine goes on again for a week.... And they will get one week rest after that.

Shiong rite! If i'm them I will die man... And we went there on Sunday... so its the last day for them. Guess thats why they felt abit lethargic... (however u spelt that heh)

Anyway we troded along quite a few times and its really fun man! Haha very very fun... the feeling is just GOOD! haha And the scenery is beautiful cos we were in the middle of the mountains... and its just beautiful.... Its amazing how beautiful nature is. Ahhhhh.... shiok lol

Should go when you guys come to brisbane... But request for a bigger horse... else its gonna be very taxing for the horses.

I think alot of people have problems viewing the pics... heh so decided just to post links only

Nerang Pics here!


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