Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Family Showdown

Its a family showdown last weekend... Fights tears shouts abuse... flying all over the place... bcos of some stupid things which i personally don't believe in. Its totally heartbreaking.... Why are my family members like that? Why can't my family get along with each other?

How stupid can it get... And why am i living with people who I cannot even relate to? I think some of my friends would know I'm not on good terms with my sis.... I seldom talk to her at all... Sometimes I feel I know my friends better than her...
So what the hell is the problem herE? I admit its partly my problem... I admit I can try to improve the relationship... but don't I have the right to dislike someone???

Why can't singaporeans be like the americans who move out of their parents hse at our age? Why can't this be the norm here? Why can't parents let their children live how they want to live? Why can't we do what we want to do... why the social stigma? the peer pressure? Haiz yue xiang jiu yue sianz....

Moral of the story... Strike toto and move out

Anyway jus wan to forget abt those stuffs... YAh glad that exams finally over... enjoyed myself alot... been gg out everyday trying to make up the lost time heh... but no money liao

Now feeling broke tired and sianz.... when will the ers come?? when will my toto come??


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